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Passion Project

Step 1

Define the Idea

Video game that is playable in both VR and Mobile or computer

the game is an underground military base which takes place during 1970 

the base consists of 7 identical levels of different purposes such as for government or science.

It is located under a mountian and direclty under it are caves where the aliens first inhabited and the main objective of the game is to kill aliens 

The only accessible parts will be level 6 and its train station 



The gameplay consists of an endless horde of grey aliens which you must kill to survive along with a team ( optional) 

You start with an m16a1 and can level up to an m60 machine gun 

meanwhile you can explore the variety of rooms such as the train station or the " Nightmare Hall" filled with eerie genetic experiments 

Step 2

Collect Information

In order to accurately design and complete the project I have made a google slide of reference images I can use and copy to design the game.

The only materials I will need to complete this project is my home computer and my brain, I already know most of the things that i will need to add and exactly how they look so all i need to do is put in the work and i could finish it. 


Step 3

Brainstorm & Analyze Ideas

My project will be very different from others because I will need to develop the game at home with only 4 hours a day to do it. also it requires lots of time and research to accurately make the game along with the challenges of creating a video game with little experience

nightmare hall.png


Step 4

Build a Model.

its 10 percent complete but still needs alot of work


Step 5


I did not receive any feedback but I plan to improve the things that I have already made such as completely remaking certain areas.

Step 6

Improve your idea

I didnt get any feedback on how I could Improve It. I decided that I would Just completely Remake the entire game since I have more skill and since the original is not as accurate and Its way to laggy. for example something that should take one second while im developing in the  software .its so laggy that it takes double or triple the time it should take.

Another thing Ive decided to do is to completely change the gameplay. so rather than the ability to play as an alien , you would only be killing the aliens. and rather than being able to roam freely, you have to wait until the area is unlock. because it would be under construction, it takes lots of time to make each area so thats why.

Step 7

Publish your Work


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