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Points, Lines, and Planes

Untitled design.png


Points: A point is the most basic element in geometry and has no size or dimensions. It represents a location in space and is usually represented by a dot. - Lines: A line is a straight, continuous path that extends infinitely in both directions. It has no thickness or width, and is represented by a straight line with arrows on both ends. - Planes: A plane is a flat, two-dimensional surface that extends infinitely in all directions. It has length and width, but no thickness, and is usually represented by a parallelogram.

I chose to do an image of soup for the word Cautious, i chose this because to eat soup you have to be cautious cause its hot, also the organization of the words would require lots of caution to make the word if you were to do it in real life. One thing i could've changed is to add the color. 

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