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A shape in Art is an element of art that uses shapes to create art.

Organic shapes are shapes that occur naturally in nature

I used Circle and triangle shapes.

Self Portrait

Self Portrait

A shape in Art is an element of art that uses shapes to create art.

to create it i first started with the neck and head then i did the shirt and suit and finally i did the face and other details

One thing I learned is that adding more detail makes art look much better, and also layering art is very important

One thing i could improve on is details and how to add gradient.


Cartoon Characters

One thing I learned about shapes was nothing.

First i did the head, the I did the shirt, the shoes the pants and shorts, then i did the arms and finally i added the details

One thing i would do different next time is be more precise when doing important features.

One thing i would like people to notice is the detail in the Pants

Untitled-1 (1).png

Color Wheel

Color is the intensity of rays of light that we see, We see color when light absorbs light rays and the color we are seeing is the color that was not absorbed.

CMY Primary colors are Cyan Magenta and Yellow, they make up all the colors on the color wheel

CMY Secondary colors are the colors that are made out of the primary colors.

What I learned about Photoshop is that it is harder to use than illustrator.

mandala (1).png
mandala (1).png
mandala (1).png

Color Harmonies

What i learned about color harmonies is that colors can have different effects and intentions and can be combined differently

I used complementary and monochromatic

the complementary mandala turned out the best.

Untitled-1 (2).jpg


The colors are opposite of the original color

the original colors are the oppsosite of the image

The new colors give the image a different meaning.

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